Metal Form Manufacturing is proud to offer noise control solutions to a broad and diverse range of markets and applications through our Commercial Acoustics and Dynasonics divisions.

Market: Education

Education Market

Educational Facilities

In educational, higher learning institutions designed for concentration and focus, such as lecture halls, classrooms, and study rooms, a noisy HVAC system can be a major disruption and demand minimal noise pollution. A quiet HVAC system ensures students can hear lectures clearly, focus on studying without distraction, and avoid the annoyance of constant fan noise. 

Benefits of quiet HVAC systems in educational facilities include increased productivity, enhanced comfort, improved communication, and positive perception of the spoken word.

Achieving Quiet HVAC: 

  • Proper System Design: Selecting the right size and type of HVAC system for the space is crucial. 
  • Noise Reduction Techniques: Duct silencers, variable speed drives, and proper airflow management can significantly reduce noise levels. 
  • Regular Maintenance: Well-maintained equipment operates more efficiently and quietly. 

By prioritizing quiet HVAC, these buildings can create a more focused and comfortable environment that fosters learning, productivity, and overall well-being. 

Project work includes:

  • University of Texas
  • University of Arizona
  • Purdue University
  • BYU
Education Equipment Enclosures
Equipment Enclosures
Education blocking noise at property line
Barrier Walls - Blocking Noise at a Property Line

Product Information